Reflection of the Week

“Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors” is the title of this week’s reflection with Pastor Emmanuel. We know it will bless you.

“Whether you’re at your favorite coffee shop or in a secret place where you like to meditate, take a moment to enjoy. If you missed last week’s message, it will be continued after this one, so feel free to read and allow God to bless you.”




October 4, 2024 

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, 

On Saturday, October 5, 2024 we will welcome a group of students from the Leadership School of Missions and Ministry to Leonia United Methodist Church. They are here as part of the program which is directed  by Dr. Sun Kim, for a field trip. The students will be learning about the history of Leonia, which will be presented by David Braun, an Historian for the Borough of Leonia. And they will also be learning about Pastor Emmanuel’s missional journey to Leonia and the congregation of Leonia UMC. Of course, they will enjoy a local restaurant. 

All these experiences are possible because of the generations of families that have poured their time, talents and treasurers for establishing a beautiful and a transgenerational church that is making a difference, by touching lives, one person at a time. We learnt the fact on Sunday that when we exercise our faith through compassion, conviction  and collaboration, we make room for the miraculous to happen. 

The story in Mark 2: 1-12 is fascinating but our focus was on the four men that bright their faith together and presented their neighbor to Jesus.  Jesus was surprised to see their faith. The verse 5 reads, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”Our faith moves us into action and becomes even stronger and visible when we work together.

 Friends, your faith was stirred in August but guess what October is here. I pray that this month of October will be a blessed month for all of us. Amen!



July’s Reflections :

July 12, 2024

It was Indeed a great blessing to meet our congregation for the first time on Sunday. This week I have been reminiscing about God’s grace that has made it possible for us to meet this beautiful congregation and to be a part of the journey together here. Dr. Sun and I are loving and praying for you everyday. I am thankful to God for each of you. I am sure that there are so many people that we have yet to see and looking forward to seeing you soon. I am excited about our future together.
On Sunday, we gathered to reflect on the profound truth that God’s plan for our lives is not a fallback or a “Plan B,” but a perfect and divinely orchestrated plan. We began by expressing gratitude to God for His providence and the opportunity to be together. We acknowledged the legacy of those who have gone before us, building a foundation of faith and service upon which we now stand. This legacy reminds us that we are part of a larger story, one that God has been writing through generations.

We explored the concept of God’s plan through the lens of Jeremiah 29:11, where God reassures the exiled Israelites that He has plans to prosper them and give them hope and a future. This message is timeless and speaks to us today, reminding us that even in times of uncertainty and difficulty, God’s plan is always good and filled with hope. We are called to trust in this plan, even when it doesn’t align with our expectations or understanding.

We also discussed the importance of divine timing and appointment. Just as God appointed Jeremiah and the Israelites, He has appointed each of us for a specific purpose and time. This divine appointment extends to our church community, affirming that we are here together by God’s design. We are not only appointed but also allocated specific roles and spaces within God’s plan, each contributing to the larger mission of the church.

Finally, we emphasized the concept of divine assignment. Every appointment comes with an assignment, a call to action. We are tasked with seeking God, being the salt and light in our communities, and stretching our imaginations to see God’s possibilities. This assignment is not just for individual fulfillment but for the collective good, as we work together to build a future that reflects God’s kingdom.

1. God’s Plan is Perfect and Not a Plan B: God’s plan for our lives is not a backup or an afterthought. It is a perfect and divinely orchestrated plan that encompasses all aspects of our lives. Even in times of uncertainty and difficulty, we can trust that God’s plan is good and filled with hope. This assurance allows us to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and faith.

2. God has a Divine Timing and Appointment for us: Just as God appointed Jeremiah and the Israelites, He has appointed each of us for a specific purpose and time. This divine appointment extends to our church community, affirming that we are here together by God’s design. Recognizing this helps us to embrace our roles and responsibilities with a sense of purpose and urgency.

3. There is a Divine Allocation for Each of us: God has allocated specific roles and space the work of ministry. All of us want a fresh start but it demands we take time to refuel.


On Sunday, we reflected on the concept of a fresh start and the importance of renewing our covenant with God. Just as Gordon Ramsay helps restaurants start anew in “Kitchen Nightmares,” we too need a fresh start, which begins with renewing our covenant with God. In the kingdom of God, a fresh start is not just about external changes but a deep, internal renewal of our relationship with Him.

Covenant is a central theme throughout the Bible, from the Abrahamic covenant to the Mosaic and Davidic covenants, culminating in the new covenant through Jesus Christ. This new covenant is characterized by three key aspects: grace, transformation, and learning.

Firstly, the covenant of grace is about receiving God’s unmerited favor. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are given salvation and forgiveness, not based on our ability to follow laws but through grace. This grace simplifies our relationship with God, making it about loving Him and our neighbors.

Secondly, the covenant of transformation speaks to the inner change that God brings about in us. God promises to write His laws on our hearts and minds, leading to a transformation that aligns us more closely with His will. This transformation is a lifelong journey, making us more like Christ each day.

Lastly, the covenant of learning emphasizes the importance of continually growing in our knowledge of God. This lifelong journey of discipleship means that we are always learning and becoming more like Christ. God desires for us to know Him deeply, and this knowledge empowers us to live strong, impactful lives.

As we renew our covenant with God, we are given a clean slate to start afresh. This renewal calls us to be more hospitable, passionate in worship, intentional in discipleship, and generous in our mission and service. Let us embrace this new beginning with a heart full of grace, a spirit open to transformation, and a mind eager to learn more about our Creator.

Week 2:
July 19, 2024

This week Dr. Sun and I have been in Atlanta for a

Pastors conference. It has been refreshing as we have sat back to be fed and inspired for the work of ministry. All of us want a fresh start but it demands we take time to refuel.

On Sunday, we reflected on the concept of a fresh start and the importance of renewing our covenant with God. Just as Gordon Ramsay helps restaurants start anew in “Kitchen Nightmares,” we too need a fresh start, which begins with renewing our covenant with God. In the kingdom of God, a fresh start is not just about external changes but a deep, internal renewal of our relationship with Him.

Covenant is a central theme throughout the Bible, from the Abrahamic covenant to the Mosaic and Davidic covenants, culminating in the new covenant through Jesus Christ. This new covenant is characterized by three key aspects: grace, transformation, and learning.

Firstly, the covenant of grace is about receiving God’s unmerited favor. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are given salvation and forgiveness, not based on our ability to follow laws but through grace. This grace simplifies our relationship with God, making it about loving Him and our neighbors.

Secondly, the covenant of transformation speaks to the inner change that God brings about in us. God promises to write His laws on our hearts and minds, leading to a transformation that aligns us more closely with His will. This transformation is a lifelong journey, making us more like Christ each day.

Lastly, the covenant of learning emphasizes the importance of continually growing in our knowledge of God. This lifelong journey of discipleship means that we are always learning and becoming more like Christ. God desires for us to know Him deeply, and this knowledge empowers us to live strong, impactful lives.

As we renew our covenant with God, we are given a clean slate to start afresh. This renewal calls us to be more hospitable, passionate in worship, intentional in discipleship, and generous in our mission and service. Let us embrace this new beginning with a heart full of grace, a spirit open to transformation, and a mind eager to learn more about our Creator.

Reflection: New Pathways

July 26, 2024

New Pathways 

This week on Thursday afternoon, I was about to enter the church office when I saw two young ladies trying to enter the church from the fellowship hall wing. They could not enter from that place so they decided to come through the church office. I asked if they needed some help. And they responded they wanted to play ping pong. I asked if they had a schedule or appointment, and they responded that about 4 years ago they used to play Ping Pong after school here in our church Gym and they just came to play. I was surprised. I opened the office for them and assisted them to get the Ping Pong table fixed at the Gym and left them to enjoy themselves. It seems to me they felt the church is always open and they are free to come in and it is safe for them to play in the church. This is what church is all about; open doors, open hearts, open minds.


As they came to say goodbye before leaving I got to know a little more. Sara and Enoki have been friends since kindergarten. They are both looking forward to beginning their college experience in the coming Fall at Rutgers University.


On Sunday, God gave us a message on New Pathways and as I continuously ponder over the message during the week, and especially with the experience with Sara and Enoki perhaps we need to be more alert to discern the new pathways that God is giving to us as a church. It was clear to me that the seeds of hospitality that Leonia United Methodist Church planted over the years and more recently about four years ago for youth are still bearing fruits and there are more opportunities to engage the people in our community and trust God for new seasons and pathways of ministry. Isaiah’s prophetic words still speak to us today as the Lord says,

“See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

and streams in the wasteland” Isaiah 8:19


The key is to sharpen our pathways for discernment to see what God is doing and about to do. What do you see in this new season?


August’s Reflections:

August 2, 2024

Make Yourself at Home 

This past week I visited a Rumba Cafe, a Colombia restaurant in the Leonia community. This was my first time trying the traditional Colombian meal. While waiting for the order, I saw an art work with the inscription “ This is our Happy Place, Relax and Unwind, Make yourself at Home”. And truly I observed the people seating and eating looked relaxed and happy. The presence of the restaurant shows the beauty of diversity that is all around us. Right in Broad Avenue there are Italian, Korean, Caribbean restaurants to mention just a few. God has blessed this community with diversity. Through Sunday’s message; “Remodeling,” God told the prophet Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house and there the Lord will give a message. When Jeremiah went there, the Lord gave a message to Jeremiah. The text reads

Jeremiah 18: 1-6  This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. 5 Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.

Is it possible that when we go to certain places like malls, restaurants, saloons, shops etc, the Lord can give us a message there. We  can establish the fact that God gives us a message with the familiar because Pottery was a familiar art work in the context that Jeremiah lived.


There are three things the text in Jeremiah brings to us. The first is Observation; that means to see; perceive; notice, to watch carefully; pay attention to (someone or something) and register it as being significant. (Dictionary definition).  The second is Discovery which is the insight we gain after observation. Jeremiah discovered among many things that God has both an incontestable authority and an irresistible ability; to form and fashion kingdoms and nations as the Lord pleases, so as to serve his own purposes. Discovery then leads to Remodeling. As the clay in the hands of the potter, so are we. God calls us to observe, observe the cracks and  the adjustments  that are needed; so there is observation, discovery, which leads to remodeling. 


With observations and discovery from Rumba Cafe, could we say that our church, Leonia United Methodist Church is a Happy Place, a place we can relax, have fun, and a place where generations after generations will call home. I would like to use this opportunity to say thank you for making Dr. Sun and I feel at home. As we begin our second Month together, let’s continue to welcome everyone home


Grace & Peace, 

Pastor Emmanuel  


August 9, 2024

Seize The Opportunity

Last Saturday, Sun and I had a long day. We joined to serve the Feed The Community Event at Elizabeth All Nations Church. In the heat of the weather, I assisted the team in providing the drive-through feeding experience for countless families. Afterwards, I joined the Pastor in baptizing 30 new believers who declared their faith publicly. In fact, it was a tiring day and we needed some rest. However, When we returned to Church, Juliet’s family was having a birthday celebration. We joined them, played ping pong with some of the family, and had an awesome worship break praying for the Birthday Celebrant. It was a joy to see all the family singing together and leading them in prayer.

When we allow the church family and community to use the space, it presents us with opportunities to share the love of God. I was so glad we seized the moment to be a part of the celebration with the family. This month, our focus is on rest, however, rest in God is not doing nothing. True rest comes in seizing the ministry opportunities and doing what the Lord asks us to do. It is in obedience that we see miracles happen. 

After Jesus sent the disciples to preach, and pray for the sick, from place to place. They were tired and exhausted. They came back to tell Jesus all that had happened. Let’s look at the response from Jesus.

Mark 6: 30 The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. 31 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

As you do ministry, the Lord is interested in the rest of your own soul. The Lord demands that we take some time to rest our bodies, minds, and soul.

The interesting thing here is that after Jesus told them to rest, which they did, they went to the place he instructed them to rest and there, they found people around them hungry. The miracle of Feeding and Multiplication happened in the time of Rest. They seized the ministry opportunity and allowed God to do a miracle.


Relationship is Key

August 16, 2024

In the beginning of this week, we have been blessed with some few days of beautiful summer weather with low humidity. Tuesday was one of those nice summer days. After leaving the church office I took a walk at Overpeck County Park enjoying the beautiful weather. After the walk I decided to sit for a while before leaving.  Just a few minutes later a young man walked up to me making a request. Because I had my earphones on, I couldn’t hear what he was saying, even after taking off my ear piece, the young man was still speaking softly. I finally heard his request after a couple of repetitions. Apparently, he has lost his phone and was requesting that I give my phone to him to use “Find my phone” on Apple phone to locate his phone. You know those moments when so many things go on in your mind at the same time? I was curious because this was a stranger.  I finally decided to help him out, he sat by me and entered his login information to locate his phone. Truly, the app showed that his phone had fallen somewhere and begun to search for it. Long story short, he finally met a lady who had seen the phone and was happy to return the phone to him and he was very excited.  

The essence of the story is when we have a relationship with someone it is easy to trust them.  The reason I was hesitant and careful before giving help to Joel who later shared his name, was because I did not know him and had no relationship and trust with him. Our world has become more and more complex making it difficult to discern a genuine stranger who actually needs help. In the text we engaged this past Sunday, Jesus told Martha in response to her concern about Mary not helping her make preparations for Jesus;

Luke 10: 41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

What Mary chose was to build a relationship with Jesus first, and listen to his teachings. Without knowing Jesus personally, everything else we ask or do for Jesus continuously makes us restless. When we know Jesus Christ as our Lord, our discipleship journey flows from a place of rest in God.


Have a restful summer.


August 23, 2024

A Call for Protection

On July 28, a deadly shooting occurred at the Pinnacle apartment in Fort Lee, leading to the tragic death of a 25 year old Victoria G. Lee. The Gold Cost Life Newspaper provided a comprehensive story on August 16 detailing how the shooting occurred. Apparently, Victoria  has  had a series of mental health challenges from 2017 when she was beginning her college years. On that Sunday, she was having an episode which led to her mother requesting Victoria’s brother to call for an Ambulance to be transported to the hospital. The protocol of the call demanded that the police will join the ambulance since there is a mental health report. Finally, the police arrived without the ambulance and they broke into the apartment shooting Victoria leading to her death shortly after. The family has claimed that Victoria was harmless before she was shot. We hear many stories such as this but the truth is that they are real people just like you and me who become the victims of the breakdown of just social structures.

It is heartbreaking to see the loss of precious lives such as Victoria and countless others because the systems that are expected to protect people are exposing us to life dangers. Our society has become more fragile. The call for help and support is rather leading to a call for death and destruction. Our prayers go to the Lee family in this difficult season as they mourn the loss of their precious daughter. The need for God’s provision of protection is very much needed every moment and second in our lives.

Psalm 23: 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,

I will fear no evil,  for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

 As we read in our text this past Sunday, we are the sheep and God is our Shepherd. That means that we need protection daily from harm’s way. The Lord demands that we trust that the Lord will take care of us. May the Lord take care of us, lead,  protect,  provide and comfort us. Amen!

Have a restful summer.

Grace & Peace




Labor of Love
August 30, 2024

August 30 is our conference deadline for submitting reports on all the church activities and ministry over the past year. So this week has been a long week for me, putting all the pieces together and connecting with various leaders of the church to be able to provide a fair representation of our congregation to the Greater New Jersey Annual conference. Yes, we met the deadline and we are done. However, finishing the reports is just a signal of the beginning of a new season of ministry together. I am thrilled by all your individual and collective ministries that focus on making disciples of Jesus Christ.

The end of August is also bringing a gradual close to the summer seasons. Many people are getting back from vacations and ‘staycations’. Students are getting ready for school. Anyways the season is passing and I hope we are enjoying it as much as we can.

This weekend is also Labour Day weekend, as we celebrate the workforce that makes America a great nation. Thank you for your work. May the good Lord bless your labor of love. The writer of Hebrews says:

Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. (NKJV)

In the month of August, we have shared about the importance of Rest. God rested and has invited us into a restful lifestyle. Please share your thoughts and reflections from the series with others. Even as we prepare for the busy days ahead, I pray you will find some time to rest. Remember God knows your labor of love and heaven recognises it.

 Happy Labor Day weekend. 


September Reflections

September 6, 2024

Our Starting Point is Faith

In the month of August, we started a School Supply Drive to receive donations for the Palisades School District. We were welcomed on Tuesday, September 4th,  by Dr. Joseph Cirillo, the Superintendent of Palisades Park School District for our School Supply Donations. We would like to express our gratitude to everyone that donated to make this possible. We were also joined by the Leonia Rotary Club who also made a donation.Through faith, we are able to drive our passion towards Jesus Christ. The starting point for our missions and fulfillment of our assignment is faith. Faith is what drives us to do the impossible. Without faith scripture says it is impossible to please God.

The writer of Hebrew writes,

12; 1  Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

This same week we saw in the news the shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia which left two students and two teachers dead and many others seriously injured. It breaks my heart when a student reports she is afraid to go to school. Our prayers of comfort go to the families that have been affected by this tragedy. What the enemy does is to put fear into our society. The enemy came to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came so that we will have life and have it more abundantly. As a church we need to continuously pray for the nation. When we pray we are exercising our faith.

Join us this Sunday for a Backpack Blessing as we pray for all our students for a successful school year. Also we would be having our church picnic on the church lawn after the service. Looking forward to seeing you all.


September 13, 2024

Honoring Our Diversity 

On Thursday, September 12, I attended the Interfaith Prayer Service organized at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York. The focus for the gathering was to pray for the upcoming 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly and to commemorate the 15 Anniversary of the Culture of Peace with International Day of Peace Celebrations around the world. The Church Center is located directly opposite the United Nations. The Chapel is decorated with a stained Glass wall with an eye that is looking directly at the United Nations Buildings. The symbolic meaning for this stained glass is that the world is watching us, as a church and we are also watching with intensionality the what is going on in the world at the United Nations. One of my takeaways from the Prayer service is that honoring our diversity is a path that leads to peace. When we anchor our diversity in the faith that we have in the Lord, we become a community of peace. 

We reflected on Sunday about the community of Faith. The Apostle Paul admonishes the Ephesians with these words;

4 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

As we come together this Sunday for our Back to Church Sunday. We welcome all from far and near and all who are returning from vacations and ‘staycations’ and also all who we will be inviting to visit on Sunday. We will be taking communion, which reminds us as one community of faith representing the Body of Christ.

September 20, 2024

Difference Makers

Earlier this morning (Friday September 20), I ask Sun to contact Elder Lee who was very influential in our ministry when we did our ministry in RidgeField about 7 years ago. When we moved to Leonia, we have him listed on the people we need to visit since his business location is only few minutes away. We were looking forward to meet Elder Lee soon. Earlier this morning I ask Sun to check on him and plan a possible visit. His phone did not go which is unusual and we got the information that he passed this morning. I know he is a good place but we will missed him dearly. Elder Lee was a difference maker, infact, supported the New Jersey Full Gospel Church with his time,  talents and treasurers. As a Business owner, he fully supported the work of God’s kingdom financially. All I can say he is Good Man. Elder Lee supported the building of an Education Center for the church that would provide ministry to the younger generation. When he heard about my nephew who had lost his father, Elder Lee sent him a support without knowing him personally. He generously gave us a car for ministry works while we travelled a long distance to Princeton weekly. The scripture reminds us that our good works will follow us.

Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” Revelation 14:13 

On Sunday, we talked about difference makers. This is a real example. You do not need a big name or a big title to make a difference, all you need is faith in the big God. Our Faith in God makes us difference-makers. May we continue to be difference-makers while we have life on this side of eternity. In the coming days, find someone and put a smile on their face. We are difference makers touching one life at a time.


September 27, 2024

Faith Stirs Revival

This week on Thursday evening I joined The Rev. Dr. William  D. Carter III who is the senior pastor at the Franklin- St. John’s United Methodist in Newark  as they embarked on a Community Revival from Thursday.  It was a joy to be part of the church evening service that was opened to the community. Bishop Donald Hillard delivered the Revival message calling on the church regardless of Denomination to pray for revival through prayer, praise, purpose and  proclamation. This month we have focused on Faith. There is no doubt that building our Faith stirs up revival in our communities.

Our scripture for in Hebrews 4:14-16 reads

14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

We have established the fact that our Faith makes us difference makers in our world  touching one person at a time. Through this text we see that Difference makers hold on to their faith and also Difference makers acknowledge their weakness. Our weakness brings us into the throne of Grace. The scripture reminds us to come boldly to the throne of Grace  that we will find mercy and grace. When our faith brings us confidently to the Lord, we see the sparks of revival in our communities. Through prayer, we see the manifest presence of God.

4. Divine Assignment: Every divine appointment comes with an assignment. We are called to seek God, be the salt and light in our communities, and stretch our imaginations to see God’s possibilities. This assignment is not just for individual fulfillment but for the collective good, as we work together to build a future that reflects God’s kingdom. 
5.  Embracing the Future Now: We are called to live into our future now, embracing the next steps with faith and creativity. This involves being open to God’s leading, even when it takes us out of our comfort zones. By doing so, we can create a vibrant and dynamic church that transcends barriers and reflects the diversity and beauty of God’s kingdom.


October Reflections