Spanish Bible Study is on Thursday evenings via WhatsApp. Come and join us.
It is a blessing to study the bible together. God’s word impacts our everyday life. It leads us and refreshes us when we are reminded of His promises in the Bible, even amid chaos in life. It shows us what true love looks like
Psalms 119:105
“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.”
Information on how to log in will be provided a week before the study. Call the office at 2014299604 and let us know if you want to join the group.
You can also email if you would like more information.
Es una bendicion poder estudiar la biblia junto y ser bendecido por la Palabra de Dios que nos habla, y refesca nuestra alma.
Salmos 119:105
Lámpara es a mis pies tu palabra, Y lumbrera a mi camino
Informacion para entrar al estudio sera dado la semana antes del estudio.Llamanos al 2014299604 y dejanos su nobre y numero de WhatsApp para poder estar en el studio.
Para mas information puedes mandar un correo electronico: